Coroplast is an inexpensive and versatile material commonly used to create outdoor signs for political campaigns, real estate agents, business promotions and other types of events or announcements. Its light weight and weather resistance makes it a popular choice for temporary signage needs. While many people might not give it much thought when they see a coroplast sign out in the wild, it’s important to remember that each of these signs has been carefully designed, printed and assembled, with every detail considered.
The most common way that these signs are erected is by attaching them to “H-stakes” which allow them to be planted into the ground. This type of mounting is quick and easy, and it’s a popular method for getting attention on the side of the road or at an open house. Coroplast is also available in larger sizes to accommodate large-scale advertising needs.
Aside from their affordability and ease of installation, coroplast signs are known for being extremely durable. They’re able to withstand harsh weather conditions, and if properly cared for, can last up to ten years. They’re also much tougher than cardboard, fiberboard, or card stock, and are lighter than solid plastic signs.
Considering the amount of time and money that goes into creating these signs, it makes sense to use materials that will stand up to repeated usage. Fortunately, these signs are also recyclable, giving them new life and extending their lifespan. This is why many businesses choose to incorporate them into their advertising and marketing strategies, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and helping to support local economies.
When it comes to caring for your coroplast sign, a few simple tips can help to prolong its life and keep it looking great. Firstly, avoid placing it in direct sunlight. The UV rays can cause the plastic to become brittle over time, and it’s best to store them indoors when possible.
Another important tip is to wipe your sign down regularly with a damp cloth. This will remove dirt and debris, and kill any bacteria that might be clinging to the surface. It’s best to use a mild cleaner, like soap and water, as chemical cleaners can damage the surface of the sign.
Once you’ve removed your coroplast sign from its display location, it’s important to properly dispose of it. You can find drop off locations for these items at many recycling centers, as well as some grocery stores and hardware shops. You can even organize your own community cleanup and collection event, gathering together old coroplast signs and bringing them to a central location for disposal. By participating in these programs, you can help to make sure that this valuable material is recycled as often as possible, keeping it out of landfills and reducing the amount of waste produced.
If you’re interested in using this versatile and cost-effective marketing tool, contact custom printing company in Detroit. We will work with you to create a custom yard sign that fits your specific business needs and stands out from the competition. We can also offer tips on how to take care of your signs and make sure they last for as long as possible.